Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Girl Scouts Storytime

Our local Girl Scout troop will entertain kids during spring break by dressing up as the characters from the books they will be reading. Following the stories will be craft time that follows the theme of the day. Tuesday's theme is "It's All About Bugs," Thursday's theme is "Magic Wand Making" (and it's NOT just for girls, either!), and Friday's craft is "Make Your Own Bookmark." All programs run from 1:00-2:30 and are free to the public. Please come and support your friends and neighbors.

Goin' Away

I will not be at work for a few days this week (Thurs, Fri & Sat). Instead, I will be taking care of my daughter after her neck/spinal surgery. Please be patient with the nice people who will be filling in and keeping the library running!