Saturday, April 26, 2008

"The Senator's Wife" Rescheduled

The book discussion of "The Senator's Wife" has been rescheduled for Thursday June 5th @ 7 p.m., due to the difficulty of getting enough copies of the book. Hope to see you here!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Frank from Selkirk's

If you have to ask "Frank who?" than you're not from around here... Frank has been badly injured in a fork lift accident, and it's time to let him know how much his cheerful, friendly, personal approach has been appreciated. Please send him a card:

Frank Brimlow
c/o Bassett Hospital
One Atwell Road
Cooperstown, NY 13326-1394

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The Library will host a book discussion of "Tallgrass" by Sandra Dallas on Thursday May 29th @ 7 pm in the Eaton Community Room. It will be facilitated by Judith Prest. Copies of the book, a reminder slip, the complete schedule and a Selections booklet with descriptions of all the books chosen for this year's Books a la Carte series are available at the Circulation Desk. For more, see

This series is made possible with public funds from the NYS Council on the Arts, a State Agency. Sponsored by the Mohawk Valley Library System and participating member libraries.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"The Senator's Wife" Book Discussion

A book discussion of “The Senator’s Wife” by Sue Miller will be held at the Schoharie Library’s Eaton Community Room on Thursday May 1st from 7-9 pm. It will be led by Marcy McKinley, who declares this book “timely!” It is about a retired, multiple-philandering U.S. senator, his wife, and the young couple who live in the other half of a two-family house. The novel explores possible reasons for the behavior of political wives (for example, Silda Spitzer) and is bound to bring out some lively opinions.
Copies of the book will be available at the Schoharie Library. Please call 295-7127 with any questions.